Monday, August 25, 2008

Please join us on Survey Sunday -- September 14th!

We have created a survey to help us in the process of finding a settled minister -- we need your feedback! You can pick up your very own copy at the fellowship hour on Sunday, September 14th. Don't worry if you can't make it there that Sunday; we will mail any remaining surveys. You will also be able to take the survey online at Survey Monkey if you prefer.

We will also be hosting two discussion sessions on Sunday the 14th at 11 and 12:30, to help you to start thinking about some of the questions. We hope to see you at one of them.

Why fill out the survey? What does your participation mean to the search committee and the church?

The survey gives the search committee the opportunity to hear all the varied voices of our congregation. While it would be impossible to talk to each and every one of you, we have your interests in mind and your opinions will help to guide us over the course of the search process. We will be sharing the results of the survey as soon as all surveys are tabulated. Rest assured that all personal information will remain confidential.

If you or anyone you know needs assistance taking the survey, please contact one of the committee members. We would be happy to help you!

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